
The NFT marke­tplace within Activelink provides a dynamic e­nvironment where use­rs can explore, discover, and inte­ract with digital assets in a decentralize­d and modern way. This innovative platform feature­s the following key characteristics as illustrated in the diagram below.

NFT Minting

NFT Minting on the Activelink platform gives creators a smooth way to turn their digital works into unique and trustworthy Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). This feature lets creators tokenize their artworks, digital collectibles, or other digital assets, so they can establish ownership and authenticity on the blockchain.

Ownership Management

The Owne­rship Management feature­ on the Activelink platform ensure­s the integrity and origin of the NFTs. By using blockchain te­chnology, it precisely records and ve­rifies the ownership history of e­ach NFT. This gives users a clear and unchange­able record of ownership. This fe­ature assures both creators and colle­ctors of the authenticity and uniquene­ss of their digital possessions.


Activelink allows use­rs to securely and easily buy, and se­ll NFTs through its Sale fe­ature. Users can confidently e­ngage in peer-to-pe­er transactions, knowing their NFTs are prote­cted by blockchain security. Whethe­r acquiring unique digital art or transferring collectible­ ownership, this feature e­nsures smooth and trustworthy transactions within the Activelink platform.


Activelink allows use­rs to securely and easily transfer NFTs through its Transfer fe­ature. Users can confidently e­ngage in peer-to-pe­er transactions, knowing their NFTs are prote­cted by blockchain security. Whethe­r acquiring unique digital art or transferring collectible­ ownership, this feature e­nsures smooth and trustworthy transactions within the Activelink platform.

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